Source code for asn1

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Python-ASN1. Python-ASN1 is free software that is
# made available under the MIT license. Consult the file "LICENSE" that is
# distributed together with this file for the exact licensing terms.
# Python-ASN1 is copyright (c) 2007-2016 by the Python-ASN1 authors. See the
# file "AUTHORS" for a complete overview.

This module provides ASN.1 encoder and decoder.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import collections
import re
from builtins import bytes
from builtins import int
from builtins import range
from builtins import str
from enum import IntEnum
from numbers import Number

__version__ = "2.5.0"

[docs]class Numbers(IntEnum): Boolean = 0x01 Integer = 0x02 BitString = 0x03 OctetString = 0x04 Null = 0x05 ObjectIdentifier = 0x06 Enumerated = 0x0a UTF8String = 0x0c Sequence = 0x10 Set = 0x11 PrintableString = 0x13 IA5String = 0x16 UTCTime = 0x17 UnicodeString = 0x1e
[docs]class Types(IntEnum): Constructed = 0x20 Primitive = 0x00
[docs]class Classes(IntEnum): Universal = 0x00 Application = 0x40 Context = 0x80 Private = 0xc0
Tag = collections.namedtuple('Tag', 'nr typ cls') """A named tuple to represent ASN.1 tags as returned by `Decoder.peek()` and ``."""
[docs]class Error(Exception): """ASN.11 encoding or decoding error."""
[docs]class Encoder(object): """ASN.1 encoder. Uses DER encoding. """ def __init__(self): # type: () -> None """Constructor.""" self.m_stack = None
[docs] def start(self): # type: () -> None """This method instructs the encoder to start encoding a new ASN.1 output. This method may be called at any time to reset the encoder, and resets the current output (if any). """ self.m_stack = [[]]
[docs] def enter(self, nr, cls=None): # type: (int, int) -> None """This method starts the construction of a constructed type. Args: nr (int): The desired ASN.1 type. Use ``Numbers`` enumeration. cls (int): This optional parameter specifies the class of the constructed type. The default class to use is the universal class. Use ``Classes`` enumeration. Returns: None Raises: `Error` """ if self.m_stack is None: raise Error('Encoder not initialized. Call start() first.') if cls is None: cls = Classes.Universal self._emit_tag(nr, Types.Constructed, cls) self.m_stack.append([])
[docs] def leave(self): # type: () -> None """This method completes the construction of a constructed type and writes the encoded representation to the output buffer. """ if self.m_stack is None: raise Error('Encoder not initialized. Call start() first.') if len(self.m_stack) == 1: raise Error('Tag stack is empty.') value = b''.join(self.m_stack[-1]) del self.m_stack[-1] self._emit_length(len(value)) self._emit(value)
[docs] def write(self, value, nr=None, typ=None, cls=None): # type: (object, int, int, int) -> None """This method encodes one ASN.1 tag and writes it to the output buffer. Note: Normally, ``value`` will be the only parameter to this method. In this case Python-ASN1 will autodetect the correct ASN.1 type from the type of ``value``, and will output the encoded value based on this type. Args: value (any): The value of the ASN.1 tag to write. Python-ASN1 will try to autodetect the correct ASN.1 type from the type of ``value``. nr (int): If the desired ASN.1 type cannot be autodetected or is autodetected wrongly, the ``nr`` parameter can be provided to specify the ASN.1 type to be used. Use ``Numbers`` enumeration. typ (int): This optional parameter can be used to write constructed types to the output by setting it to indicate the constructed encoding type. In this case, ``value`` must already be valid ASN.1 encoded data as plain Python bytes. This is not normally how constructed types should be encoded though, see `Encoder.enter()` and `Encoder.leave()` for the recommended way of doing this. Use ``Types`` enumeration. cls (int): This parameter can be used to override the class of the ``value``. The default class is the universal class. Use ``Classes`` enumeration. Returns: None Raises: `Error` """ if self.m_stack is None: raise Error('Encoder not initialized. Call start() first.') if typ is None: typ = Types.Primitive if cls is None: cls = Classes.Universal if cls != Classes.Universal and nr is None: raise Error('Please specify a tag number (nr) when using classes Application, Context or Private') if nr is None: if isinstance(value, bool): nr = Numbers.Boolean elif isinstance(value, int): nr = Numbers.Integer elif isinstance(value, str): nr = Numbers.PrintableString elif isinstance(value, bytes): nr = Numbers.OctetString elif value is None: nr = Numbers.Null value = self._encode_value(cls, nr, value) self._emit_tag(nr, typ, cls) self._emit_length(len(value)) self._emit(value)
[docs] def output(self): # type: () -> bytes """This method returns the encoded ASN.1 data as plain Python ``bytes``. This method can be called multiple times, also during encoding. In the latter case the data that has been encoded so far is returned. Note: It is an error to call this method if the encoder is still constructing a constructed type, i.e. if `Encoder.enter()` has been called more times that `Encoder.leave()`. Returns: bytes: The DER encoded ASN.1 data. Raises: `Error` """ if self.m_stack is None: raise Error('Encoder not initialized. Call start() first.') if len(self.m_stack) != 1: raise Error('Stack is not empty.') output = b''.join(self.m_stack[0]) return output
def _emit_tag(self, nr, typ, cls): # type: (int, int, int) -> None """Emit a tag.""" if nr < 31: self._emit_tag_short(nr, typ, cls) else: self._emit_tag_long(nr, typ, cls) def _emit_tag_short(self, nr, typ, cls): # type: (int, int, int) -> None """Emit a short (< 31 bytes) tag.""" assert nr < 31 self._emit(bytes([nr | typ | cls])) def _emit_tag_long(self, nr, typ, cls): # type: (int, int, int) -> None """Emit a long (>= 31 bytes) tag.""" head = bytes([typ | cls | 0x1f]) self._emit(head) values = [(nr & 0x7f)] nr >>= 7 while nr: values.append((nr & 0x7f) | 0x80) nr >>= 7 values.reverse() for val in values: self._emit(bytes([val])) def _emit_length(self, length): # type: (int) -> None """Emit length octects.""" if length < 128: self._emit_length_short(length) else: self._emit_length_long(length) def _emit_length_short(self, length): # type: (int) -> None """Emit the short length form (< 128 octets).""" assert length < 128 self._emit(bytes([length])) def _emit_length_long(self, length): # type: (int) -> None """Emit the long length form (>= 128 octets).""" values = [] while length: values.append(length & 0xff) length >>= 8 values.reverse() # really for correctness as this should not happen anytime soon assert len(values) < 127 head = bytes([0x80 | len(values)]) self._emit(head) for val in values: self._emit(bytes([val])) def _emit(self, s): # type: (bytes) -> None """Emit raw bytes.""" assert isinstance(s, bytes) self.m_stack[-1].append(s) def _encode_value(self, cls, nr, value): # type: (int, int, any) -> bytes """Encode a value.""" if cls != Classes.Universal: return value if nr in (Numbers.Integer, Numbers.Enumerated): return self._encode_integer(value) if nr in (Numbers.OctetString, Numbers.PrintableString, Numbers.UTF8String, Numbers.IA5String, Numbers.UnicodeString, Numbers.UTCTime): return self._encode_octet_string(value) if nr == Numbers.BitString: return self._encode_bit_string(value) if nr == Numbers.Boolean: return self._encode_boolean(value) if nr == Numbers.Null: return self._encode_null() if nr == Numbers.ObjectIdentifier: return self._encode_object_identifier(value) return value @staticmethod def _encode_boolean(value): # type: (bool) -> bytes """Encode a boolean.""" return value and bytes(b'\xff') or bytes(b'\x00') @staticmethod def _encode_integer(value): # type: (int) -> bytes """Encode an integer.""" if value < 0: value = -value negative = True limit = 0x80 else: negative = False limit = 0x7f values = [] while value > limit: values.append(value & 0xff) value >>= 8 values.append(value & 0xff) if negative: # create two's complement for i in range(len(values)): # Invert bits values[i] = 0xff - values[i] for i in range(len(values)): # Add 1 values[i] += 1 if values[i] <= 0xff: break assert i != len(values) - 1 values[i] = 0x00 if negative and values[len(values) - 1] == 0x7f: # Two's complement corner case values.append(0xff) values.reverse() return bytes(values) @staticmethod def _encode_octet_string(value): # type: (object) -> bytes """Encode an octetstring.""" # Use the primitive encoding assert isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, bytes) if isinstance(value, str): return value.encode('utf-8') else: return value @staticmethod def _encode_bit_string(value): # type: (object) -> bytes """Encode a bitstring. Assumes no unused bytes.""" # Use the primitive encoding assert isinstance(value, bytes) return b'\x00' + value @staticmethod def _encode_null(): # type: () -> bytes """Encode a Null value.""" return bytes(b'') _re_oid = re.compile(r'^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)+$') def _encode_object_identifier(self, oid): # type: (str) -> bytes """Encode an object identifier.""" if not self._re_oid.match(oid): raise Error('Illegal object identifier') cmps = list(map(int, oid.split('.'))) if cmps[0] > 39 or cmps[1] > 39: raise Error('Illegal object identifier') cmps = [40 * cmps[0] + cmps[1]] + cmps[2:] cmps.reverse() result = [] for cmp_data in cmps: result.append(cmp_data & 0x7f) while cmp_data > 0x7f: cmp_data >>= 7 result.append(0x80 | (cmp_data & 0x7f)) result.reverse() return bytes(result)
[docs]class Decoder(object): """ASN.1 decoder. Understands BER (and DER which is a subset).""" def __init__(self): # type: () -> None """Constructor.""" self.m_stack = None self.m_tag = None
[docs] def start(self, data): # type: (bytes) -> None """This method instructs the decoder to start decoding the ASN.1 input ``data``, which must be a passed in as plain Python bytes. This method may be called at any time to start a new decoding job. If this method is called while currently decoding another input, that decoding context is discarded. Note: It is not necessary to specify the encoding because the decoder assumes the input is in BER or DER format. Args: data (bytes): ASN.1 input, in BER or DER format, to be decoded. Returns: None Raises: `Error` """ if not isinstance(data, bytes): raise Error('Expecting bytes instance.') self.m_stack = [[0, bytes(data)]] self.m_tag = None
[docs] def peek(self): # type: () -> Tag """This method returns the current ASN.1 tag (i.e. the tag that a subsequent `` call would return) without updating the decoding offset. In case no more data is available from the input, this method returns ``None`` to signal end-of-file. This method is useful if you don't know whether the next tag will be a primitive or a constructed tag. Depending on the return value of `peek`, you would decide to either issue a `` in case of a primitive type, or an `Decoder.enter()` in case of a constructed type. Note: Because this method does not advance the current offset in the input, calling it multiple times in a row will return the same value for all calls. Returns: `Tag`: The current ASN.1 tag. Raises: `Error` """ if self.m_stack is None: raise Error('No input selected. Call start() first.') if self._end_of_input(): return None if self.m_tag is None: self.m_tag = self._read_tag() return self.m_tag
[docs] def read(self, tagnr=None): # type: (Number) -> (Tag, any) """This method decodes one ASN.1 tag from the input and returns it as a ``(tag, value)`` tuple. ``tag`` is a 3-tuple ``(nr, typ, cls)``, while ``value`` is a Python object representing the ASN.1 value. The offset in the input is increased so that the next `` call will return the next tag. In case no more data is available from the input, this method returns ``None`` to signal end-of-file. Returns: `Tag`, value: The current ASN.1 tag and its value. Raises: `Error` """ if self.m_stack is None: raise Error('No input selected. Call start() first.') if self._end_of_input(): return None tag = self.peek() length = self._read_length() if tagnr is None: tagnr = value = self._read_value(tag.cls, tagnr, length) self.m_tag = None return tag, value
[docs] def eof(self): # type: () -> bool """Return True if we are at the end of input. Returns: bool: True if all input has been decoded, and False otherwise. """ return self._end_of_input()
[docs] def enter(self): # type: () -> None """This method enters the constructed type that is at the current decoding offset. Note: It is an error to call `Decoder.enter()` if the to be decoded ASN.1 tag is not of a constructed type. Returns: None """ if self.m_stack is None: raise Error('No input selected. Call start() first.') tag = self.peek() if tag.typ != Types.Constructed: raise Error('Cannot enter a non-constructed tag.') length = self._read_length() bytes_data = self._read_bytes(length) self.m_stack.append([0, bytes_data]) self.m_tag = None
[docs] def leave(self): # type: () -> None """This method leaves the last constructed type that was `Decoder.enter()`-ed. Note: It is an error to call `Decoder.leave()` if the current ASN.1 tag is not of a constructed type. Returns: None """ if self.m_stack is None: raise Error('No input selected. Call start() first.') if len(self.m_stack) == 1: raise Error('Tag stack is empty.') del self.m_stack[-1] self.m_tag = None
def _read_tag(self): # type: () -> Tag """Read a tag from the input.""" byte = self._read_byte() cls = byte & 0xc0 typ = byte & 0x20 nr = byte & 0x1f if nr == 0x1f: # Long form of tag encoding nr = 0 while True: byte = self._read_byte() nr = (nr << 7) | (byte & 0x7f) if not byte & 0x80: break return Tag(nr=nr, typ=typ, cls=cls) def _read_length(self): # type: () -> int """Read a length from the input.""" byte = self._read_byte() if byte & 0x80: count = byte & 0x7f if count == 0x7f: raise Error('ASN1 syntax error') bytes_data = self._read_bytes(count) length = 0 for byte in bytes_data: length = (length << 8) | int(byte) try: length = int(length) except OverflowError: pass else: length = byte return length def _read_value(self, cls, nr, length): # type: (int, int, int) -> any """Read a value from the input.""" bytes_data = self._read_bytes(length) if cls != Classes.Universal: value = bytes_data elif nr == Numbers.Boolean: value = self._decode_boolean(bytes_data) elif nr in (Numbers.Integer, Numbers.Enumerated): value = self._decode_integer(bytes_data) elif nr == Numbers.OctetString: value = self._decode_octet_string(bytes_data) elif nr == Numbers.Null: value = self._decode_null(bytes_data) elif nr == Numbers.ObjectIdentifier: value = self._decode_object_identifier(bytes_data) elif nr in (Numbers.PrintableString, Numbers.IA5String, Numbers.UTF8String, Numbers.UTCTime): value = self._decode_printable_string(bytes_data) elif nr == Numbers.BitString: value = self._decode_bitstring(bytes_data) else: value = bytes_data return value def _read_byte(self): # type: () -> int """Return the next input byte, or raise an error on end-of-input.""" index, input_data = self.m_stack[-1] try: byte = input_data[index] except IndexError: raise Error('Premature end of input.') self.m_stack[-1][0] += 1 return byte def _read_bytes(self, count): # type: (int) -> bytes """Return the next ``count`` bytes of input. Raise error on end-of-input.""" index, input_data = self.m_stack[-1] bytes_data = input_data[index:index + count] if len(bytes_data) != count: raise Error('Premature end of input.') self.m_stack[-1][0] += count return bytes_data def _end_of_input(self): # type: () -> bool """Return True if we are at the end of input.""" index, input_data = self.m_stack[-1] assert not index > len(input_data) return index == len(input_data) @staticmethod def _decode_boolean(bytes_data): # type: (bytes) -> bool """Decode a boolean value.""" if len(bytes_data) != 1: raise Error('ASN1 syntax error') if bytes_data[0] == 0: return False return True @staticmethod def _decode_integer(bytes_data): # type: (bytes) -> int """Decode an integer value.""" values = [int(b) for b in bytes_data] # check if the integer is normalized if len(values) > 1 and (values[0] == 0xff and values[1] & 0x80 or values[0] == 0x00 and not (values[1] & 0x80)): raise Error('ASN1 syntax error') negative = values[0] & 0x80 if negative: # make positive by taking two's complement for i in range(len(values)): values[i] = 0xff - values[i] for i in range(len(values) - 1, -1, -1): values[i] += 1 if values[i] <= 0xff: break assert i > 0 values[i] = 0x00 value = 0 for val in values: value = (value << 8) | val if negative: value = -value try: value = int(value) except OverflowError: pass return value @staticmethod def _decode_octet_string(bytes_data): # type: (bytes) -> bytes """Decode an octet string.""" return bytes_data @staticmethod def _decode_null(bytes_data): # type: (bytes) -> any """Decode a Null value.""" if len(bytes_data) != 0: raise Error('ASN1 syntax error') return None @staticmethod def _decode_object_identifier(bytes_data): # type: (bytes) -> str """Decode an object identifier.""" result = [] value = 0 for i in range(len(bytes_data)): byte = int(bytes_data[i]) if value == 0 and byte == 0x80: raise Error('ASN1 syntax error') value = (value << 7) | (byte & 0x7f) if not byte & 0x80: result.append(value) value = 0 if len(result) == 0 or result[0] > 1599: raise Error('ASN1 syntax error') result = [result[0] // 40, result[0] % 40] + result[1:] result = list(map(str, result)) return str('.'.join(result)) @staticmethod def _decode_printable_string(bytes_data): # type: (bytes) -> str """Decode a printable string.""" return bytes_data.decode('utf-8') @staticmethod def _decode_bitstring(bytes_data): # type: (bytes) -> str """Decode a bitstring.""" if len(bytes_data) == 0: raise Error('ASN1 syntax error') num_unused_bits = bytes_data[0] if not (0 <= num_unused_bits <= 7): raise Error('ASN1 syntax error') if num_unused_bits == 0: return bytes_data[1:] # Shift off unused bits remaining = bytearray(bytes_data[1:]) bitmask = (1 << num_unused_bits) - 1 removed_bits = 0 for i in range(len(remaining)): byte = int(remaining[i]) remaining[i] = (byte >> num_unused_bits) | (removed_bits << num_unused_bits) removed_bits = byte & bitmask return bytes(remaining)